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Jun 26, 2011

Programming your Comcast remote:

Want to know how to make your Comcast remote do more stuff?  Here is the most useful features.

Comcast remote wiki:


Similar programming process:



Add a Macro Button

A "macro" can also be created that will simulate hitting a series of buttons from the single press of a button. See the CJH Engineering Motorola HD Cable STB Info Pages remote section for an illustrated version.

  1. Press the "Cable" button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the "Setup" button until the "Cable" button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 995. The "Cable" button will blink twice.
  4. Press the button you want to map the macro to (ex: PiP CH-) (Optional: You can push Setup first to have a "shifted" button. See above).
  5. Press the sequence of buttons you want executed by the macro (ex: AUX, POWER, TV, POWER --- turns on/off the Aux and TV equipment without turning on/off the cable box when PiP CH- is pressed --- useful to avoid some of the bugs).
  6. Press and hold the "Setup" button. The "Cable" button will blink twice if successful.

-This will allow you do do several functions with just the touch of ONE key. A macro can hold up to 15 key presses.

-Macros cannot be programmed to the device button or the SETUP button.

-When you hit the key you put the macro on it will automatically start the sequence.


Erase a Macro from a Button

The following technique can be used to erase a macro programmed on a key. You are essentially creating a macro with no steps.

  1. Press and hold the "Setup" button until a device button blinks twice.
  2. Type in the code 995. A device button will blink twice.
  3. Press the key with the macro you want to delete.
  4. Press and hold the "Setup" button until a device button blinks twice.


Remap a Key (move) or enter an Extended Function Code (follow step 5.2)

This is the general procedure for remapping. Several common mapping options specific to the Motorola DVR are listed below.

  1. (Option) Press and release the device key to make it the default.
  2. Press and hold the "Setup" button until a device key blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. A device key will blink twice.
  4. (Option) Press and release the device key for the source device.
  5. Press the key to get the code from. This can be:
    1. Another button with an existing code or,
    2. Press and release "Setup", then type in a 3- or 5-digit code. The code is called an 'Extended Function Code' (EFC). Most of the silver remotes use 5-digit codes. Most others use 3-digits. In most cases, you just add '00' to the front of the 3-digit code to get a 5-digit code (00173 = 173).
  6. (Option) Press and release the device key for the destination device.
  7. (Option) Press and release "Setup" to create a shifted key.
  8. Press and release the button you want to put the code on.
  9. If the remap is successful, a device key will blink twice.

A list of Extended Function Codes (EFC's) for many device codes can be found at hifi-remote.com Advanced Codes. See Checking your Device Code if you do not know the code for your device.

To find out more you can post your device and your Comcast remote models and ask for the EFCs on this (or other) blogs to see if you get a response.  http://www.remotecentral.com/cgi-bin/mboard/forums.cgi

Using a Shifted Key

A Shifted key is a second code stored on a key. It is access by pressing and releasing the "Setup" key, then pressing the desired key. The "Setup" key acts like the Shift key on a keyboard. A common use is to put the DVR's own Mute code as a shifted Mute. A normal press of the Mute key will mute/un-mute your audio device (TV or amplifier), but the shifted-Mute will mute or un-mute the DVR.

Using shifted buttons is a very good idea for macros as macros are effective in all device modes. If you program a power macro (ie, one that will either turn everything on, or turn everything off, you might want to program this macro to the shift/POWER button.

NOTE: Shifed numeric keys:
You can program functions to shifted numeric keys using the procedure outlined above, but in order to actually use the shifted function you will need to press the SETUP button twice before pressing the numeric key that holds the shifted function, otherwise the remote thinks you are about to enter an advanced code.


Create a SHIFTed Power key

  1. Press the "Cable" button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the "Setup" button until the "Cable" button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The "Cable" button will blink twice.
  4. Press (do not hold) the "Setup" button.
  5. Type in the code 00144.
  6. Press and release the "Setup" button.
  7. Press the "Power" button.
  8. You will get 2 blinks if successful.

To send the Power command, press and release the "Setup" key, then press the "Power" key.


Disabling Channel Control Lock

Disabling Channel Control Lock will allow the number, Channel +/-, Enter, and last keys to be used with the currently selected device.

  1. Press and release the device key for the device you want to lock the keys to.
  2. Press and hold the "Setup" key until the device key blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 973. The device key should blink twice.
  4. Press the Channel Down (CH -) key.
  5. If successful, the device key should blink 2 times.

Jun 2, 2011

How to use your Xbox 360 controller on your PC to play ANY Windows PC game

Not related to HIT, but it is much needed.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or praise – Please make a comment (no sign-in required).  Share the wealth!

This tutorial will show you how to use your Xbox 360 controller with your PC by assigning keystrokes and mouse motions for free.

Leave it up to Microsoft to not work with its own hardware. The claim that the controller works with your PC is a half-truth. I bet every Xbox 360 owner, or non-owner, has tried plugging in their purchased wired 360 controller to their PC and even perhaps tried playing a game only to be disappointed.

This tutorial will tell you how to actually USE your 360 controller to play a game.

                  New YouTube tutorial

     Xpadder can be run with Windows 7 using compatibility mode!

Download the free version of Xpadder
and my Xbox 360 controller configuration file at:


My YouTube tutorial from http://bit.ly/iEmvYV

Step-by-step tutorial about how to use your Xbox 360 Controller with your Windows 7 PC for free using Xpadder.

Button Layout


Previous instructions for Joy2Key


1. Plug in your controller and let the driver automatically install. If not, try installing the useless Accessory software at http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/en-us/d/xbox-360-controller-for-windows.

2. “Semi-calibrate” your controller by using Microsoft’s generic Joystick control panel wizard. If you have Windows 7, click the Start Menu, type in “Joystick” then to “Set up USB game controllers”, then double click the 360 controller, then the Settings tab, then Calibrate.

The “D-pad” is the left stick, the “Z Axis” is the left trigger (moves up) and the right trigger (moves down), the “X axis” is the right stick (pushing it left moves down and pushing it right moves up), the “Y axis” is the same thing only its up and down. It also doesn’t center your axes very well. Yes, thank you Microsoft.

3. Download the free software JoyToKey at: http://www.electracode.com/4/joy2key/JoyToKey%20English%20Version.htm (click to launch). No installation needed, just run it from the zip file (or unzip it if you like).

4. Create a profile by clicking on the Create button on the bottom, or use the “First Configuration” profile on the left.

5. Click the Others tab on the right then select the check boxes for “Use Axes other than X and Y” and “Use POV switches”. Then go back to the Joysticks tab.

6. Assign the buttons below by clicking each Button description. The button assignments below are grouped by category. Each one is the “subcategory” followed by the corresponding controller button, and a suggested keystroke. You can use Auto Setting Wizard to enter some of the buttons.

-Check if your game supports stick controls and trigger button throttles
-If anyone knows if a throttle control can be applied to the trigger buttons with this software – please comment

-When assigning a button below – to repeat a keystroke, click on the Mouse tab and change the Automatic Shooting slider, then go back to the Keyboard tab and move the Automatic Shooting slider to any position.  This is a glitch!

-You can assign more key presses to a button.  For example adding a second key will execute a second command after the first.  Don’t assign shoot and “talk" keys to the same button or you will shoot that person in the face then you will have no one to talk to when the “talk” command is later executed. XD
  (Note: Haven’t actually done this.)

-The trigger button can be used simultaneously as a aim button by assigning the shift key.  Any other button can be used as a shoot button except for the other trigger button. 

Left stick

(<0), Left, Arrow-Left
(>0), Right, Arrow-Right 

Left stick
(<0), Up, Arrow-Up
(>0), Down, Arrow-Down

Trigger buttons
(<0), R-Trigger, > or R-Ctrl (Assign Special keys drop down list)
(>0), L-Trigger, < or L-Ctrl (Assign Special keys drop down list)
When assigning, click on the Mouse tab and assign the left or right mouse button.

Both trigger buttons cannot be used at the same time because they are considered together to be one axis.

Right stick
When assigning, click on the Mouse tab
(<0), Left, Slide horizontal bar left to -30
(>0), Right, Slide horizontal bar right to 30 

Right stick
When assigning, click on the Mouse tab
(<0), Up, Slide vertical bar up to -30 {inverted or glitch – should be 30}
(>0), Down, Slide vertical bar down to 30 {should be -30}

Up, Up, U or 8
Down, Down, D or 2
Right, Right, R or 6
Left, Left, L or 4

– All other buttons
1, A, A
2, B, B
3, X, X
4, Y, Y
5, L-Shoulder, L-Alt (Assign Special keys drop down list)
6, R-Shoulder, R-Alt (Assign Special keys drop down list)
    *NOTE*: ( and ) would work if the program accepted it
7, Back, Esc or Backspace
8, Start, Enter or Home
9, Left stick press, [ or L-Shift  (Assign Special keys drop down list)
10, Right stick press, ] or R-Shift (Assign Special keys drop down list)

Additional advanced controller software:

Keystroke and mouse:

PinnacleGameProfiler $20 – http://pinnaclegameprofiler.com/

Xpadder $10 – http://xpadder.com/

Xpadder Free (v5.3) – http://xpadder.en.malavida.com/
*NOTE: Will not install on Windows 7, shame because it could be run in compatibility mode

Controller emulator:

Emulator: http://www.tocaedit.com/IB/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=54